How To Remove Nazar

Assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh to all my dear readers who have been with us so many times and also trusted us. We are always helping millions of people who are facing difficulties in life and also connecting with Allah. This time we are here to give you a solution and answer to your question of how to remove nazar.

Various ways can help you remove nazar. As we all know and understand nazar is some evil power that affects someone and harms that person. There are a lot of people who come to us every day to remove evil eye and get protection from Buri Nazar. This is why we are here to help you and give you various tips and solutions that will help you in removing nazar. 

Today with the help of this blog you will understand how can you remove nazar in Islam. There are various ways to remove nazar in Islam which we will describe to you in detail. Sometimes you can remove the Nazar on your own but sometimes the Nazar is so powerful that you need the help of Allah and our help.

Many times you have to get some supplication under Islam which helps people from their difficulties and remove nazar. That time our Scholar Abdul Aziz can help you and has been working to help people for many years. Islamicduaghar has always been a community of Islam who choose to help others.

How to Remove Nazar in Islam

If we talk about our Muslim community and our religion of Islam we all have seen these things and great knowledge of Nazar which is also known as the Evil Eye. Not all the people know about Nazar and all who have knowledge or have experienced evil eye once in their lifetime don’t know how to cure them.

Islam has deep studies and knowledge about what is nazar. Also, have the power how to remove nazar from an affected person. To remove this nazar you must learn about this. When someone is jealous of your happiness or your success, they give negative energy to their happiness. This can affect your health as well as the things that you have in your life.

To remove nazar in Islam the most helpful and guaranteed way is to trust Allah and take the path of his guidance and forgiveness. The time you start trusting Allah and put your hope in him he shows you the direction to follow. You all have found us and reached out to us because you trusted Allah and he sent us to help all his dear children.

Remove Nazar with Dua to Remove Nazar

The dua that we have given to you is the most powerful dua that can protect you from all kinds of evil eyes and negative energy. This dua will also be very effective in your answer to how to remove Nazar.

میں اللہ کے کامل کلمات کی پناہ مانگتا ہوں اس کے غضب اور عذاب سے، اس کے بندوں کے شر سے اور شیطانوں کے شر سے اور ان کی موجودگی سے)۔

Transliteration of Dua to remove Evil eye 

A’udhu bi kalimat-illah il-tammati min ghadabihi wa ‘iqabihi, wa min sharri ‘ibadihi wa min hamazat al-shayatini wa an yahduroon 

English dua to remove Nazar

I seek refuge in the perfect words of Allah from His wrath and punishment, from the evil of His slaves and the evil promptings of the devils and their presence). 

In Islam praying to Allah and reciting dua for him is the best solution for all the people who believe in him and trust him. We must recite the gives dua which is the best and most trusted way to remove evil eye from anyone.

Different Ways of Removing Nazar

There are various ways which are believed by a lot of people to remove nazar. Not only this the other practices which are given in the Quran to help and protect people. We are going to tell you some most effective and important ways that can help you know how to remove nazar. 

  • Using of Salt: the one of effective methods of removing a nazar is the use of salt. It is believed and said that salt attracts negative energy. To remove evil eye you can use salt in various ways. Either you fill the fist and move it clockwise from the affected person. Another can be using salk in bathing water which will remove negative ara surrounding you.
  • Use nazar battu: When you build something or get something new then firstly you have to protect that thing from the people’s evil eye. You must use some things that can protect and remove evil eyes like nimbu mirchi, najar battu, and other things.
  • Wearing Black: if you wear black clothes or have anything that you can carry with you which is black. The black color also protects you and helps in removing nazar. This color is believed to have a strong effect on other negative energy and never let it affect you.

All of you must understand the effects of nazar on any person, if you don’t understand its evil effect then you will not be able to remove its effects from yourself or someone else. In this case, if you are affected by Buri evil eye then you can seek Scholar Abdul Aziz’s help and guidance we will help you remove the Nazar by yourself. Another case is when your loved one is being caught in a nazar then you can also help them.

If the situation has to get worse and not been controlled by yourself then you need someone who has the knowledge and experience to remove evil eyes. We hope that with the help of this blog, you have got the answer to how to remove Nazar. If you still have any questions or doubts feel free to contact Islamicduaghar and get our support.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q.1 How to remove nazar on your own?

Ans. It is possible to evil eye on your own. But if you want this then you must have a deep study on this, its effects, and its cure. After that, you have to recite and remember the dua that can help in the removal of the nazar. Once you achieve all this you will be able to remove nazar on your own.

Q. 2 How to remove buri nazar by yourself?

Ans. If you wanted to remove nazar without someone’s help it may be a difficult task for you. But in Allah’s place, it is not impossible as you can learn about the various methods of removing nazar. This also needs time and practice for many years. So you must give it time.

Q.3 How to remove nazar with salt?

Ans. Salt is been believed as an attracter of negative energy in Islam. Various people have been using salt to remove evil eye. To remove nazar from salt fill salt in your hand and make a fist. After that move the fist around the affected person clockwise for eight times. Now throw that salt in the fire or in the running tap water. This is believed to be the removal of all negative energy from someone.

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