Know The Difference- White Magic Vs Black Magic

Blessing and a warm welcome to all my readers, we hope we will always be able to help you and find you the best solution. Today if we talk about magic then we believe in Allah and his powers of magic. But today’s world has divided magic into two different categories. These two categories are white magic vs black magic which we are gonna learn about in today’s article.

In today’s world people practice both types of magic but white magic is the most preferred and acceptable form of magic. If we talk about the Islamic religion black magic is strictly prohibited. Those who indulge in black magic activity will be punished by Allah or by others according to this religion.

People on the internet are practicing both magic and will trap you in their words and they will attract you but you must understand that it is bait that will harm you. If you want supplication or dua for any problem in your life you must take the help of those who guide you on Allah’s path not taking you away from his teachings and his protection.

As other people who have trusted us in their difficult times and get helped with right and prosperous, you can also trust us. Islamicduaghar is been helping children of Allah who are seeking Allah’s refuge. You can trust Maulana Atif Khan who is a renowned scholar in the history of Islam. He has changed people’s lives with his experience and the blessing of Allah upon him.

What is Black Magic vs White Magic?

  • White Magic- In all forms and religions white magic is considered as the most accepted form of magic. Only white magic is the one that doesn’t harm another person. If we define white magic in one line then it is a form of magic that is done for a selfless purpose without harming someone. 

White magic is often connected with healing, benevolence, and protection from all other harmful forces. The motive behind this is for something good, to heal someone, to protect, and to blessing from Allah. 

  • Black Magic-  Black magic is considered the most unaccepted form of magic by various cultures and regions. Black magic is mostly associated with harm to another person by some negative forces. This practice is called haram in the Islamic path of spirituality. 

Non-acceptance of black magic doesn’t mean it harms someone but the power, methods, and outcomes are dangerous for everyone. The activities of black magic are mostly associated with manipulation, evil forces that are considered unethical in societies. It symbolizes the darker side of magic.

How can we Define Magic as White vs Black Magic?

There are some times in our lives when we ask Allah for some miracles to improve our life and sometimes we do supplications for that. There are times in our lives when we take others’ help to remove the trouble in our lives. Sometimes we want to take revenge on someone because they hurt us or they do something bad to us. But how should we come to know that it is black magic or white magic?

So to understand this you must understand some basic points that will give you in a clear view of defining magic as white magic vs black magic. The first point is to know the intent behind the practices that you are doing if you have good intent to help someone or to do something good it will come under white magic. On the other hand, if you intend to harm someone or revenge it will come under black magic.

Second will be your feelings. If you are feeling love, care, belief in Allah, or harmony you will not indulge yourself in black magic practices. And if we talk about black magic then your feelings will be hate, anger, and jealousy will suppress your thoughts. If you keep anything or everything by remembering Allah and having fear of Allah then you will never become part of black magic practices. It will help you to know the difference between white magic vs black magic.

Customs and Rituals of White Magic vs Black

White Magic Customs and Rituals

  • White magic involves a positive and a life awakening surrounding. It is an enlightening experience that awakens your soul and makes your mind and body clear. These practices take place in sunshine and the fresh air surrounding the place with the sweet sound of bells and prayer.
  • The rituals used in these supplications include a positive circle, crystals, and herbs that are arranged in a specific form. It will help in healing and connecting you with Allah and show you his path.

Black Magic Customs and Rituals

  • Practicing black magic will have a darker environment surrounding you and the air tremors with whispers and secrets. The ground where this will take place will be thirsty for some kind of offering in return. The offering will consist of blood, skin, body parts, or other symbols.
  • The items used in this supplication will include, skeletons, poisons, and other things that symbolize negative or evil forces from the other realm. These practices attract darker forces to complete the wish.

Consequences of Black vs White Magic

By knowing about the consequences people may fear from practicing Black magic. If you are praying to Allah or asking for love and blessing related to white magic then you will never get harmed. The people who are performing white magic Allah always stay with them and leave their side. Because white magic is done to help others and if you help others Allah will help you.

If you choose to take the help of black magic then Allah will punish you whether in the present or future. Because if you harm Allah’s child Allah will never forgive you. Also, Allah has considered it haram or still, if you do not accept the fact then you must be ready for the consequences of your actions.

So I pray to all my readers and my fellow brothers and sisters not to indulge in black magic practices because its effect can be severe on you. When choosing between good or bad always choose the good one is white magic vs black magic.

Wrap it up

Whether it’s White magic vs black magic it is always considered magic to the people who don’t know about the difference between these two. You must always follow the path of Allah which is white magic. For that, you must pray to Allah regularly and read the Quran which will give you power to fight black magic forces.

If you are struggling with some problems in your life or you are affected by some negative forces you must feel free to contact us. Gates of Islamicduaghar is always open for those who need refuge. Scholar Atif Khan will help you in all the right ways that you want to.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q.1 Is this something like black magic exists?

Ans. These people who have faced some evil energy around them must understand this but yes black magic indeed exists. Everything has two sides and like that magic also has good or bad sides.

Q.2 Can someone protect us from black magic?

Ans. Many people like scholar Atif Khan know how to remove and protect yourself from black magic. You can take help from him, he will guide you on the right path.

Q.3 Allah can forgive us if we done practice black magic?

Ans. If you seek Allah’s forgiveness from a pure heart you realize your mistake and will never do that again. He will surely forgive you because he is our Father and he will give you a chance to improve and undo your mistakes by doing good deeds.

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