Wanted To Get Your Ex Back In UK

Are you one of those who haven’t been able to forget them yet? You have tried your best to forget your ex but it is not working, do not worry because we are here if you want your ex back. For those who have decided to get ex back in their life, we have the best solution for all of them. Here is the best dua to get your ex back in UK which makes your ex back in your life and you will experience love again.

Especially with the guidance and help of the scholar Atif Khan who is known by various people to help people in their love lives. His expertise makes your life much better and also gets the things that are missing from your life. You can trust him and also his process and dua will take you on the spiritual path of Allah and well-being. 

In this blog, islamicduaghar will help you understand the right way of getting your ex back wherever you are. We also explain to you the ways to get your ex back in your life. With the help of dua get your ex back along with the steps of reciting this dua. 

Importance of Getting Ex Back

Why it is so important to get your ex back in UK? What do get by getting our ex back in our lives? So by understanding people for many years, we all get attached to some people and also feel the pain when we are apart from them. Those who have been broken by their ex and cheated badly never want their ex back in their life. 

Others who have breakups with silly or no reason think to get their ex back because of their love, and affection or you may have learned your mistakes in your relationships. So once they realise that they can’t find someone like their ex loves them and always stay with them. They decided to seek help, so our scholar is here to help you with the best and the most effective method of getting your ex back.

Ways to Get Your Ex Back 

Now you must be wondering and searching for the way to get your ex back and from all the way you must need the best way. So in this blog, you will get the best ways and from them, the most effective ones are waiting for you.

Seek Guidance: Seek help and assistance from those who can help you with this problem and patch up with your ex. Someone like our scholar who can help you by guiding you with the dua to get your ex back in UK as soon as possible.

Communication: Good communication can help in improving conversations and relationships. If you want your ex back start with this communication this will help you and can be a better help.

Reconciliation: This refers to patching up and getting the bond back by forgiving and getting forgiving by your ex. If you wanted you love to get back to you. For this, you must have to seek forgiveness and forgive them for their past mistakes.

Self-reflection and growth: Before getting an ex back and to get back realise your mistake and grow your mentality and ability to think. A good transformation of getting maturity will help you in this process.

Dua to Get Your Ex Back in UK

Dua to get ex back: “La hawla wala quwwata illa billahil aliyil adheem Allahumma innaka ta’lamu anni [mention your ex-lover’s name] waqad ahababtu-hu (or -ha), faqdir li ‘alayhi (or -ha) wa fi (his/her name) qalbi.

Translation: “There is no power nor strength except with Allah, the Highest, the Great. O Allah, you know that I love [mention your ex-lover’s name], so decree for me [mention them] and place [them] in my heart.”

Steps to Recite Dua to Get Your Ex Back

  1. Start your dua with wudu.
  2. After that, raise your hands and recite “Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem, Allahu Akbar” 100 times.
  3. Finally, to seek Allah’s help in getting an ex back, recite Ayat no. 24 of Surah Al-Qasasas 99 times after any Salah.
  4. After the recitation of the dua, visualize that person and request Allah by reciting this prayer: “O Allah, grant me the patience and wisdom to deal with any challenges that may come our way, and bless me with your guidance to get them back. You are the Most Merciful, and Your power knows no bounds. I believe in you and your wisdom.”
  5. End with sending blessings upon the Prophet (SAW) by saying, “Salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam.”
  6. Perform this ritual for at least 15-20 days regularly, and remember to put your trust in Allah and have patience.
Last Few Words

By getting our love back in our lives we feel comfort and get the love we are searching for in others. Also, your ex understands and acknowledges you so it prevents any hassle to understand your partner. So it can be your best choice which fills your life with love and spirituality because of choosing the path of dua to get your ex back in UK. In any case, if you feel any kind of trouble or have something troubling you. Contact us we will be happy to help you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q.1 Are there any cases in which this dua may not work?

Ans. This dua is very powerful dua and it is very effective. If you feel like this dua is not showing results it may be due to improper supplication by you, or it can take little time so have patience for that. In this case, you can contact us we will help you.

Q.2 Can I use other ways to get my ex back?

Ans Yes you can choose another way to get your ex back. But make sure that the way you choose is halal so as not to harm any person. If you do so then Allah will not forgive you and may not fulfil your wish at the same time.

Q.3 How can you reach us?

Ans. We are not so far from you as we need one call we will quickly help you and provide you with our assistance. We are just one message away. Seek help and get blessings of Allah like others who have been part of the islamicduaghar community.

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