Building A Sacred Bond With Dua For Sex

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh to all my dear Muslim brothers and sisters who are here today to seek a dua for the best time of their marriage i.e. dua for sex. This part of life is where we need Allah’s protection the most. Because this is the time we are taking a relationship forward and it’s about our love and family.

Various couples are a little scared to take the step forward in their marriage is have sex with guidance and in Allah’s protection for their offspring. But we forget that we are the children of Allah and he never leaves our side. Like all other works or things we do in this world, we remember Allah and ask for his blessing. Same as that we need to pray to Allah with the Dua for sex.

Various people need this dua and are searching for help. We Islamicduaghar, a community of Islam are here to help you and Scholar Atif Khan will make sure to protect you from saytan and all evil powers. All those couples who have used this dua and got their loved ones and have intercourse have the best results.

In the following blog, you will understand the importance of this dua with its benefits. You will understand some steps that you must have to follow or obey while having sex with your partner. Trust us and Allah, we will guide you to the right path with the right way.

Significance of Dua For Sex in Islam 

In Islam, Sex is not only about making a physical connection with your partner. It is considered a very sacred and acceptable path of your relationship with the guidance of Allah. Now you are thinking why is dua for sex important? Why we should have to recite dua before sex? We will give you all the answers so don’t worry.

As you have understood sex is a very important part of the husband-wife relationship and also a very sacred activity. Dua for sex is also a very important part of this process. This dua plays a significant role in protecting the couple and their offspring from all kinds of evil powers, especially shaitan. 

Dua for sex ensures the proper safety of your from the supernatural and unseen negative powers that can harm you. With the help of this dua, you will seek Allah’s protection and blessing upon you and your family. So you must remember this dua and recite this dua before the sex for good results.

Things to Follow for Having Sex

When you are going to perform sex with your partner you must recite the dua for sex. This dua not only helps you in intercourse but also helps you in getting someone to whom you love and perform sex. But along with this, you must take care of some things that are believed in Islam and play an important role in the success of this dua.

  • Privacy: The most important thing that you must care about while having sex is the place where you are indulging in it. According to Islam, you must not perform sexual intercourse in places like a bathroom or in the open. Only you two must be there no one else can be there at that time. 
  • Time of Intercourse: According to Islam you must not indulge in sex at the morning times of Ramadhan, sexual intercourse at that time is strictly prohibited in Islam and considered haram. Sex at night is considered the best time.
  • Menstruation period: The time of periods of your partner you must not perform sex. After the completion of menstrual days, you can build relationships. In Islam, those days are not considered as pure for activities like sex or other. So you must be careful about this.
  • Marriage: According to Quran you should have sexual intercourse only after your marriage and with your wife. Sex before marriage is considered haram and would be forgiven by Allah. Building physical relations after marriage is only the right way in Islam. 
  • Safety: Remember to have a safe relationship with your partner. You must take care care cleanliness before and after sex. One most important aspects are to make your partner feel good while having sex, go not harm the other person. Harming your partner during physical intercourse is not acceptable.

Dua For Sex In Islam

Dua before sex or Dua for having sex

بِسْمِ الله اللّهُـمَّ جَنِّبْنا الشَّيْـطانَ وَجَنِّبِ الشَّـيْطانَ ما رَزَقْـتَنا

​​​​​​”Bismillah, Allahumma jannibnash-shaytan wa jannib-ash-shaytaana ma razaqtana”

Meaning: “In the Name of Allah,  Oh Allah, shield us from Satan and keep him away from us and from what You [may] bestow upon us (i.e. children)” Narrated by Al-Bukhari, Fath ul-Bari No. 138)

Dua after sex for pregnancy

“Rabbana hablana min azwajina wa dhurriyatina qurrata a’yunin waj’alna lil muttaqeena imama.”

Meaning: “Our Lord, grant us from among our wives and offspring comfort to our eyes and make us an example for the righteous.”

Benefits of Dua For Sex

There are various benefits of reciting the dua for sex, this will help you with the following things and make your life better. Here are some of the benefits of Dus for sex:

  • This dua helps in increasing the love between you and your partner. An increase in love will give the best result to your relationship.
  • This Dua helps us in getting protection from Evil powers or Shaytan. This dua will also protect you, your partner, and your offspring from any harm.
  • Regularly reciting this dua will increase the chances of getting a baby which will be blessed by Allah to you.
  • This dua will bring blessings and peace to your married life. Allah will bless the couple and also the offspring and mercy upon us.
  • This dua will protect the relationship of marriage from all kinds of negative influences and will make your relationship stronger for your whole life.
Last Few Words

We hope that this article will help you and your partner in your sexual life. Like all other couples, we hope this will bring prosperity, happiness, protection, and blessings to your life. This article has been a great help to the various people in their lives. Overall this dua is to provide solace and protection to the couples for the time for sexual intercourse.

You must remember that Dua is a way to seek Allah’s guidance and support for the whole life. If you remember Allah every day and every time he will never leave and always protect you. Dua for sex is one of the ways to remember Allah for the specific thing to do.

After all this information if you still have any questions or need any help you must feel free to contact Islamicduaghar. Scholar Atif Khan will help you and will find the solution for all of your problems in your life.

Frequently Asked Question

Q.1 What is Dua for sex?

Ans. Dua before sexual intercourse بِسْمِ الله اللّهُـمَّ جَنِّبْنا الشَّيْـطانَ، وَجَنِّبِ الشَّـيْطانَ ما رَزَقْـتَنا Bismillāh. Allāhumma jannibnash-Shayṭān, wa jannibish-Shayṭāna mā razaqtanā. With the Name of Allah

Q.2 How to get ready for sex in Islam?

Ans. In Islam it is recommended to clean and beauty yourself before you indulge in intercourse with someone. It is also recommended that you recite a short dua or prayer for yourself or your partner before sex.

Q.3 How to pray for sex?

Ans. I ask you to fill my sexuality with your healing love and goodness. Restore my sexuality in wholeness. Let my spouse and I experience all of the intimacy and pleasure you intended a man and woman to enjoy in marriage. I invite the Spirit of God to fill our marriage bed now.

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