Dua for Protection From Evil Eye and Jealousy

A warm welcome to all our valued readers. Dua for Protection from Evil Eye and Jealousy is a powerful spiritual tool. It shields us from unseen forces. These forces can cause real harm. Indeed, the evil eye and jealousy are not just superstitions; rather, they are real, harmful energies. These forces cause physical and emotional problems. Consequently, they might lead to sudden illness, unexplained misfortune, or a general feeling of unease. These negative influences can seriously affect our well-being. 

In Islam, Allah provides specific Duas for protection. By including this Dua in your daily routine, you create a spiritual shield for yourself and your loved ones. It keeps you safe from harm.

Powerful Dua For Protection From The Evil Eye And Jealousy

Urdu: اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنْ كُلِّ عَيْنٍ لَامَّةٍ، وَمِنْ شَرِّ حَاسِدٍ إِذَا حَسَدَ

Arabic: اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَعُوذُ بِكَ مِنْ كُلِّ عَيْنٍ لَامَّةٍ، وَمِنْ شَرِّ حَاسِدٍ إِذَا حَسَدَ

English Translation: “O Allah, I seek refuge in You from every evil eye and the harm of a jealous person when he envies.”

Meaning and Purpose: In this Dua, the supplicant seeks refuge in Allah, acknowledging His power to protect from these unseen harms. Reciting this Dua shows trust in Allah’s protection. It also seeks safety from the harmful effects of envy and the evil eye.

Understanding The Evil Eye And Jealousy

  • The evil eye, or ‘Nazr’ in Urdu, is a harmful force. It can affect someone when others look at them with envy or jealousy.
  • Jealousy, known as ‘Hasad,’ is another harmful emotion. Therefore, Jealousy can lead to negative consequences.
  • In Islamic tradition, protection from the evil eye and jealousy is sought through the recitation of specific Duas. These prayers are believed to offer spiritual safeguards against harmful influences.

Drawbacks Of Incorrectly Performing Dua For Protection

  • Lack of Proper Intention: One of the primary drawbacks of performing this Dua incorrectly is not having the right intention. If the person does not fully understand or believe in the Dua’s power, it may not work as well. The strength of a Dua lies in the sincerity and faith with which it is recited.
  • Mispronunciation of Words: Mispronouncing the words of the Dua can lead to a loss of its intended meaning and effectiveness. Arabic words, in particular, have specific pronunciations that are crucial for maintaining the integrity of the Dua. Therefore, it is important to learn and practice the correct pronunciation.
  • Inconsistent Practice: If the Dua is not performed regularly, it may not offer the continuous protection that is needed. Inconsistency in reciting the Dua can leave an individual vulnerable to the negative influences of the evil eye and jealousy.
  • Neglecting the Spiritual Connection: Reciting the Dua without truly connecting with Allah can make it less effective. The Dua should be a heartfelt plea for protection. Simply reciting it without focus may not bring the protection you seek.
  • Ignoring the Importance of Halal Lifestyle: Performing this Dua while engaging in haram (forbidden) activities or neglecting other Islamic practices can diminish its effectiveness. A halal lifestyle, along with regular prayer and good deeds, enhances the power of the Dua.

Why Do You Need To Recite The Dua For Protection From Evil Eye And Jealousy?

1. Protecting Yourself and Loved Ones: Envy and negative energy are common. Protecting yourself and your loved ones is essential. Moreover, The evil eye can lead to sudden misfortune, illness, or emotional distress. This can happen even unintentionally.

2. Guarding Against Harmful Intentions: Jealousy can lead to harmful intentions. These can affect your success, relationships, and peace of mind.

3. Creating a Spiritual Barrier: Regularly reciting this Dua builds a spiritual shield. It helps you live peacefully, free from disruptions caused by negative energies.

4. Reinforcing Your Connection with Allah: This practice strengthens your bond with Allah. It reminds you that His protection is the best safeguard against any harm.

5. Ensuring Continuous Protection: By making this Dua a daily habit, you take steps to protect yourself and those you care about.


The evil eye and jealousy can impact our lives. With the right protection, we can stay safe from harm. Reciting the Dua regularly is a simple yet powerful way to protect yourself. Maulana Aatif Khan, our great scholar, has helped many people facing difficulties in their lives. With his guidance and Allah’s blessings, they are now living happy and peaceful lives. If you have any questions or problems, you can contact islamicduaghar for help from our scholar Aatif Khan.

Remember, it’s Allah who provides ultimate protection, so always turn to Him in times of need.May Allah protect us all from harm. Ameen.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. What is the significance of reciting Dua for protection from the evil eye and jealousy?

A1. The Dua for protection from the evil eye and jealousy is significant in Islam. It serves as a spiritual shield against harmful energies and unseen forces. The evil eye, or “Nazr,” and jealousy, or “Hasad,” are believed to cause physical and emotional harm. By regularly reciting this Dua, a person seeks refuge in Allah, asking for His protection from these negative influences. 

Q2. When should I recite the Dua for protection from evil eye and jealousy? 

A2. You can recite the Dua for protection from evil eye and jealousy at various times throughout the day. It is particularly beneficial to recite it after your daily prayers, before leaving the house, or whenever you feel particularly vulnerable to envy or the evil eye. Making this Dua a daily habit keeps you safe.

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