Dua For Immediate Help From Allah (Help In Need)

Blessing to all my brothers and sisters who are here searching for the dua for immediate help from Allah. We hope that you get all your answers in this blog. All of us are suffering from some things in our lives, problems may be different but they all affect us in the same way and make us helpless.

In these difficult times, we feel helpless and have no hope of getting help. We also feel like Allah is not with us and doesn’t want to help so we fall into great despair sadness and helplessness. But it is not true, we may think that Allah can’t see us or not help us but he is always by our side protecting us from a lot of things. Islamicduaghar will help you to understand Allah and his doings.

The time when we need Allah’s help we ask for it and we think that he is not listening but the reality is he is helping us with different factors and things that we can’t see but we can feel that if we want to. When a person is suffering from any problem he can’t able to see the things that are protecting him/her. Because of the trouble in life, we only see the bad things happening to all of us.

In this article, you will understand how we can get help from Allah in the time we need it. You will also understand the importance of dua and the work of dua for immediate help from Allah.

How do we get Helped by Allah?

Allah always helps us sometimes we see it or sometimes we are not able to see that. Do not lose hope in Allah He is the creator of everything and he can help us with any or every problem. Trust him and see how he helps us with the dua for immediate help from Allah.

  • By sending someone: there is always someone sent by Allah to help us. By any means, masiha ( messenger of Allah) helps us in our difficult situations and takes us out of those problems.
  • With the Quran: If Allah has created problems then there is also a solution given by Allah for every problem. The Quran has solutions for every problem of this world. Duas and all the verses of the Quran are for all of us.
  • With miracles in your life: sometimes we get helped by some mysterious power that saves us from the problem. There are some miracle that happens in our lives which is unbelievable. But it helps us.

Best Dua for Immediate Help from Allah

“Allahumma inni as’aluka bi-annaka Anta Allah, la ilaha illa Anta, Ar-Rahman Ar-Rahim, alladhi la yahluthu sahibuhu wa la yamutu, Ya Hayyu Ya Qayyum, inni astaghithu bi-rahmatika an tusliha li shani wa la takilni ila nafsi tarfata ‘ayn.”

Dua for immediate help from Allah in Arabic

“”اللهم إني أسألك بما أنت الله لا إله إلا أنت الرحمن الرحيم، القديم المطلق. أنت لا تعتمد على أحد، بل كل الآخرين يعتمدون عليك. يا حي يا قيوم أستغيث برحمتك على أن أصلح شأني ولا تكلني إلى نفسي طرفة عين.

Translation in English

“O Allah, I am asking you, there is no good and bad in this world it is only you, the most forgivable, the Most Merciful, the most gracious, and the Eternal, the Absolute. You are the one who does not depend on anyone, but others depend upon you. O Inevitable, O Self-Subsisting, and Supporter of all the living beings, I seek help in Your mercy to rectify my affairs and not to entrust me to myself for the blink of an eye.”

Steps to Perform this Dua

We must follow some steps to perform dua for immediate help from Allah. These steps are done to make this dua successful, much more effective, and powerful.

  • Firstly clean yourself and perform ablution (wudu)
  • After wearing fresh clothes sit in a room to read the following dua by facing the direction of Qibla.
  • Now raise your hands and start reciting “Ya Hayyu Ya Qayyum, bi rahmatika astagheeth” 435 times.
  • When you finish reciting the dua, recite Aytul Kursi twice
  • Lastly in the end pray to Allah Taala to help you immediately.

Do not perform this dua in the time of those days of the females. Always cover your head and sincerely practice the dua. Remember this dua and ask for forgiveness of all the sins. Inshallah he will listen to your prayer and help you.


Every prayer in Islam is done to seek the solution to the problem or for the guidance of Allah. This dua for immediate help from Allah is also one of the dua for Allah’s guidance and peace upon us. All these duas are created to help human beings by strengthening the belief in the supreme power of God. these are for helping human beings in the right way and also by connecting with the Allah. The stronger the connection of you with Allah the more he stays close to you in your problems.

We hope that this dua will help you like others you will also get help from Allah very soon. In any case, if you feel any trouble or need some help you can contact us or ask for help from Scholar Atif Khan who is very known for his work to help others with the guidance of Allah.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q.1 Which surah is for Allah’s help?

Ans. Surah Al Rehman is the most powerful surah that is believed to help us in our difficult times. These surahs help us get out of the problems of the life with help of Allah.

Q.2 How do you get 100% dua accepted?

Ans If you want your dua will be fully accepted by Allah you must do the following things. You have to pray five times a day, do sincere fasting on Ramadan, and pay zakat. You must do sincere prayers with a pure heart and ask for forgiveness.

Q.3 How do I get Allah to accept my dua immediately?

Ans. For this, you must have to recite the given dua regularly with purity and consistency. Recite the given prayer every day to Allah to ask him for his help and seek his grace and refuge.

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